While in Tokyo, Marin will also meet with Japanese quiltmakers, including Eiko Okano, whose Time for Supper is currently on view in Expanding the Collection: Recent Acquisitions...
Eiko Okano, Time for Supper, made in Tokyo, Japan, dated 2007, 64 x 64 in. IQSCM 2012.038.0003. |
And Shizuko Kuroha, whose Sea of Japan in Winter was featured in Quilts in Common: Around the Globe & Across the Centuries.
Shizuko Kuroha, The Sea of Japan in Winter, made in Tokyo, Japan, dated 1983, 79 x 78 in. Ardis and Robert James Collection IQSCM 1997.007.1091. |
Be sure to check back the first week of April for updates from Marin while she is in Japan.